
The Business Academy building in Pardubice, which was used as an assembly point.
State District Archives, PardubiceAt the end of November 1942, the Business Academy building in Pardubice was temporarily vacated for used as an assembly point for Jewish deportees due to its proximity to the nearby railway station. Some of the deportees carried their luggage on carts borrowed from their neighbours. The carts were then left behind on the street near the assembly point. Those awaiting deportation had to sleep on the bare floors of empty classrooms. Some of the younger children slept on mattresses with their mothers. A number of the deportees disposed of their last valuables in the toilet before being searched. Early in the morning, the deportees left the school building and were escorted to the railway station by a unit of the Schutzpolizei (German Security Police). One bystander, František Černý, tried to bid farewell to his Jewish friends and went so far as to criticize what was going on. He was arrested on the spot and sent to the Small Fortress in Terezín; he later perished in the Auschwitz–Birkenau death camp.
Two mass transports (designated by the letters Cf and Cg) were dispatched from Pardubice on 5 and 9 December 1942. They took away 1,258 deportees, of whom only 92 lived to see the liberation.